Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stand Up To Cancer

Over the past few months I have seen many ads in magazines and commercials on TV about an event called "Stand Up to Cancer." Each of these ads featured a celebrity making a statement concerning this being the beginning of the end of cancer. These ads are very well done and always catch my attention so I decided to do a little more research about this cause. What I found is not only a great fundraising and awareness event, but also an example of a successful public relations campaign. The organization has done very good job of getting celebrities and TV personalities involved and using their participation to gain publicity. The website is very informative about the event, the cause, and donations, but it also has a public relations section featuring various press releases. It seems to me that this is going to be a very successful event because of a good campaign and a great cause.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Helpful Tips from a PR Professional

I came across a blog all the way from Australia that contained some good advice from a PR professional for new graduates on the job hunt. Some of the tips listed were things that I was previously aware of, however there were some that were new to me as well. I think most upcoming graduates can benefit from reading this advice because in a few short months we will be out in the real world too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

PR Technophobes vs. Technophiliacs

When searching for PR related articles, I ran across this one which discusses the presence of "technophobes" and "technophiliacs" in the PR industry. After reading it I have a new appreciation for what my classmates and I are seeking to do this semester. It is my belief that we are striving for "technophiliac" status. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New to Blogging!

Welcome to my blog! This is my first venture into the blogging world and I am excited to finally begin to understand what all the excitement is about. I have created this blog as part of my Public Relations Administration class. The goal is to learn how using popular blogging sites can help learn us learn about the professional world of public relations. Feel free to explore my simple site and stay tuned as I learn more!