Sunday, March 1, 2009

VS Gets on Board with Organic Beauty

More and more major companies are realizing the benefits of "going green" and are producing eco-friendly, organic products. Not only is this a good move for the environment, but it is also a good PR move. Victoria's Secret has recently joined the list of companies producing organic products with their new PINK BODY beauty line.
The new VS Beauty products are made out of 100 percent vegan products. The products range from various kinds of body lotion and body wash to shaving cream.
From the PR point of view, Victoria's Secret is likely to see a whole new crop of customers who are seeking environmentally friendly products. The current craze of eco-products is likely here to stay. Making products that cater to this trend not only makes the company look good, but also is likely to increase their customer base and sales, and helps the environment.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Target Aims at Eco-Friendly Fashion

Eco-friendly products are all the rage right now, and for good reason, who doesn't want to help the environment? Target has picked up on this trend and is bringing designer Rogan Gregory on as the latest in a string of fashion designers to create lines specially for the store. This post describes how the designer of the Loomstate Organic clothing line will put together an organic clothing line for Target in concordance with Earth Day next year.

As a PR move, this partnership could bode very well for Target. Fans of the Loomstate line will be interested in purchasing the well-priced, unique merchandise, as well as environmental enthusiasts who may or may not be followers of the line and Target. The collaboration could potentially bring in a whole new crop of customers to the well-loved superstore.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Estee Lauder Branches into Social Media

This semester one of the main goals of my Public Relations Administration class is to become experienced users of social media sites. Because of the endeavors of my classmates and I on our personal PR blogs, Twitter, and other sites I found this Larson and Associates blog post very interesting. According to this post, Estee Lauder plans to use social media Websites in their Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign this year.

This will be the largest online presence of the campaign ever as they intend to use not only social media sites but also various forms of Internet advertising. By using social media Websites, Estee Lauder hopes to reach a younger audience. In order to do this the company is planning to target Facebook and MySpace particularly.

Estee Lauder has taken the steps towards having a successful Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. Social media sites are one of the newest frontiers in public relations and by using these tools Estee Lauder will reach new a new, younger, tech-savvy audience. The company may also find that by reaching out to this audience for their campaign efforts, they could gain them as consumers.